How to Memorize Scripture

If you or a friend are inspired to memorize Scripture but aren’t sure where to start, this resource is the perfect launching point to begin “hiding God’s Word in your heart” (Psalm 119:11).

A Simple, Easy Bible Memory System

The Topical Memory System (TMS) is a simple, easy-to-use system for memorizing key Bible verses that point to essential gospel truths.

If you or a friend are inspired to memorize Scripture but aren’t sure where to start, this resource is the perfect launching point to begin “hiding God’s Word in your heart” (Psalm 119:11).

We pray this new journey into Scripture also helps you abide in–or stay deeply rooted in–Christ, which Jesus tells us is the key to having Kingdom impact in this world (John 15:5).

A Proven Approach

Memorizing Scripture is as an excellent strategy for spiritual growth. It allows you to have gospel truths ready at all times, whether your day brings you temptation, heartache, or a friend in need of encouragement. Many thousands of people have shared that this system was what finally worked for them after years of trying other approaches.

5 Tips for Memorizing More Scripture

1: Pick an area of gospel truth you’re motivated to understand more deeply

Selecting Scripture that you resonate with will make it more likely that you’ll memorize them. There are lots of Bible memory systems organized by topics, including the Topical Memory System (TMS) by The Navigators. Use this topic and verse outline below as a guide. It has been curated by The Navigators based on experience helping people of all ages grow in Christ since the 1930s. Keep a picture of this list on your phone!

2: Start small

Start with verses that are short or have short phrases that are easy to remember. It may also be helpful to choose verses that are easy to understand and in everyday language. By starting small, you’ll be encouraged by having several verses memorized fairly quickly.

3: Dig into the context

After you select a verse, find it in your Bible and read the paragraph before and after it. Use this context to gain a clear understanding of what the verse means. You may want to read the verse in other Bible translations or consult a commentary.

4: Apply the verse to your life.

You will be more likely to remember a verse if you connect it with a new attitude or action. Remember: memorizing Scripture is not just about gaining head knowledge; this is what we truly believe! We remember what we apply and put into practice.

5: Find a Scripture memory community

Invite a friend or several to memorize with you! Set a time each week to check in and review verses. In just ten minutes you can give each other enough accountability to grow by leaps and bounds in your love for God and knowledge of His Word.

Topical Memory System (TMS)

Living The New Life

Christ the Center2 Corinthians 5:17Galatians 2:20
Obedience to ChristRomans 12:1John 14:21
The Word2 Timothy 3:16Joshua 1:8
PrayerJohn 15:7Philippians 4:6-7
FellowshipMatthew 18:20Hebrews 10:24-25
WitnessingMatthew 4:19Romans 1:16

Proclaiming Christ

All Have SinnedRomans 3:23Isaiah 53:6
Sin’s PenaltyRomans 6:23Hebrews 9:27
Christ Paid the PenaltyRomans 5:81 Peter 3:18
Salvation is not by WorksEphesians 2:8-9Titus 3:5
Must Receive ChristJohn 1:12Revelation 3:20
Assurance of Salvation1 John 5:13John 5:24