The online Database replaces former printed publications of the Iron Ore Statistics, and is accessible upon subscription from the UNCTADSTAT portal. A navigation browser allows table or graphic presentations, easy selection and reorganization of data, personalized functionalities and several straightforward extraction options.
The Database contains historical data on iron ore trade, production, production capacity, shipment, iron ore prices and freight rates by country and over time. Some series are available in both annual and monthly frequencies.
The data dates back as far as 1970 with the latest for October 2015, covering 119 countries and more than 150 ready-to-use analytical country groupings.
The Database will be invaluable to professionals interested in the iron ore market - producers, purchasers, shipping agents, suppliers of goods or services to the industry, analysts and consultants.
If you would like to access this data, you are requested to subscribe to the UNCTAD Trust Fund on Iron Ore Information.