Rutgers Forward

We defined five priorities encapsulating areas where the university needed to make progress that guided the diversity strategic planning process, allowing us to chart a course in the same direction even though we are not in the same boat.

University Diversity Plan

Rutgers University's first-ever Diversity Strategic Plan was released in March 2022. Learn how we will realize our institutional commitment to inclusive excellence. For an interactive experience, click below. Download an accessible PDF version of the Diversity Strategic Plan here.

Plan by Section

Message from President Holloway

“Excellence can be found everywhere; I know that to be true. But we have to look for it, we have to nurture and cultivate it, we have to remove barriers to it, and we have to reward and celebrate it throughout the university. This plan is Rutgers’ declaration that we will.”

Revisiting the Equity Audit

The University Equity Audit was our institutional first step in pursuing excellence by increasing Rutgers’ on-the-ground commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion across the university, starting with its leadership.

Diversity Strategic Planning Process

Building on the University Equity Audit, diversity strategic planning was the process through which we assessed and aligned our efforts across the Chancellor-led units and central administration in service of our goal to pursue excellence and inclusion deliberately.

Rutgers University–New Brunswick: Goals and Action Steps

In New Brunswick, a steering committee–guided by co-chairs for each priority drawn from academic and administrative leadership–developed the diversity strategic plan. A phased approach was adopted with an emphasis on shaping high level, cross-cutting goals and action steps identified that will guide early actions and investments.

Rutgers University–Newark: Goals and Action Steps

In Newark, the Chancellor’s leadership team served as the steering committee and utilized the diversity strategic planning process as an opportunity to revisit and extend the RU–N strategic plan, “Where Opportunity Meets Excellence.” Subsequently, the deans of RU–N’s schools will be working on individual plans that cascade from our institutional priorities and build upon strengths in their areas.

Rutgers University–Camden: Goals and Action Steps

In Camden, a steering committee was formed to engage students, faculty, staff, alumni, local residents, and other stakeholders. The working groups assisted in the development of the recommendations and metrics that formed the basis of the diversity strategic plan.

Rutgers Biomedical Health Sciences: Goals and Action Steps

In RBHS, diversity strategic planning was incorporated into the revision of the One RBHS: The Way Forward 2022-2027 strategic planning process. As a result, a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion is integrated through the five unifying theme-based goals and four mission-based goals.

Shared Priorities, Shared Strategies

Chancellor-led units have now defined unique paths forward that reflect their organizational history, local context, and aspirations. This final section outlines the university level strategies that will support the fulfillment of campus goals and specify how we will invest resources to realize the institutional commitment to diversity.

More Than Just Words

Our commitment when the planning process began was to not let perfect be the enemy of the good. We are determined to show through our actions that the institutional commitment to diversity is more than just words. We are building a beloved community.


We are called to integrate the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion into all aspects of our university.


Diversity refers to the variety of personal experiences, values, and worldviews that arise from differences of culture and circumstance. Such differences include race, ethnicity, gender and gender identity, age, religion, language, disability status, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, geographic region, and more.


Equity refers to actively working to identify and eliminate barriers that have prevented full participation across differences in culture and circumstance, specifically redressing the exclusion of underrepresented groups in higher education. Attention to equity involves ensuring access, opportunity, and advancement for all students, faculty, and staff in every stage of education and career development.


Inclusion refers to the act of creating environments in which individuals and groups feel welcomed, respected, supported, and valued by eliminating practices and behaviors that marginalize. An inclusive climate embraces differences and offers respect in words and actions so that all people can fully participate in the University’s opportunities.

Signature Initiatives

Explore just a few university initiatives that support the achievement our diversity goals.

Institute for the Study of Global Racial Justice

The Institute for the Study of Global Racial Justice is a conduit for new knowledge and ideas, providing opportunities for Rutgers faculty whose inquiries address racism and social inequality to work collaboratively and effect meaningful action and positive change.

Diversity Education Network

Partners in the Diversity Education Network (DEN) join to support skill-building university wide offering learning opportunities such as the annual Education as Disruption Intensive. The DEN serves as a mechanism for expanding equity, diversity, inclusion, and justice capacity building across Rutgers university for students, staff, and faculty.

Presidential Postdoctoral Fellows

In Fall 2022, Rutgers University will welcome its inaugural cohort of Presidential Postdoctoral Fellows.

Ensuring College Access

Rutgers expands on the Garden State Guarantee to increase access to a college degree.

IDEA Innovation Grants

The Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Advocacy (IDEA) Innovation Grants Program is a university-wide initiative that invites students, faculty, and staff to take an active role in building an inclusive community.

Faculty Diversity Collaborative

We are building a community of practice with individualized and targeted supports to increase diverse faculty engagement, ensure effective mentoring, expand networking opportunities, and develop leadership skills to foster a sense of belonging and professional growth in the academy for all.

One Rutgers, Four Parts

Learn more about how each Chancellor-Led Unit is working toward their goals.